How to get DU Discord NDA access

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How to get DU Discord NDA access

Post by scheissegalo »

October 23, 2019 6:27 AM] NQ-Nomad: @everyone As announced a month ago, we deployed our new authentication bot today!
- If you saw modifications on your Discord nickname on the Dual Universe server, it's a consquence of this change and no further action is required n your end
- Accessing the NDA channels now requires to link your DU account on the Community Portal, if you haven't done so yet
All the details are here: ... rd-server/

For this to work, you MUST use a DU account that has alpha access.

  1. Go to: LINK and log in. Please note that your Username is probably your email address you used to buy the game with. (Please complain to NQ about the new policy of using email addresses as usernames.)
  2. In the top right corner see a little head icon
    image.png.6c5af0c09fae48a41a66c4dae181a422.png (242 Bytes) Viewed 13483 times
    and click on it.
  3. At the bottom of the page click on edit profile "edit profile"
    1161814535_editprfilebutton.png.dc18eb2bbe73fe9d263db781ba329aaa.png (146.32 KiB) Viewed 13483 times
  4. On the right side of the page click on Discord
    1279352859_discordtab.png.e000e5bdb260b78053ec80ee369f68e7.png (109.77 KiB) Viewed 13483 times
  5. At the bottom of the page click on "Link my Discord account"
    733421642_discordlinkbutton.png.f08587eef60f20e8521eab4c5d111436.png (135.8 KiB) Viewed 13483 times
  6. A new tab will open for the discord log in page, use your DISCORD email address and password to to log in to your DISCORD account.
  7. You will see a page that says "Connect to Discord NQ-Bot" click Authorize in the bottom right corner.
    793808732_discordauthorize.png.572ad370c0536312cbc613a77b687dfc.png (75.61 KiB) Viewed 13483 times
  8. When you have successfully linked your account, the page will close and take you back to your My Profile page and you will see a green banner at the top and " Your Dual Universe account is already linked with Anna#7902 Discord account. You can unlink your account. " message at the bottom of the page.
    1964329613_linkaccountsucessful.thumb.png.6bcf29e3a74d36030dc4e997564aad47.png (322.78 KiB) Viewed 13483 times
  9. And your done.
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