Virtual Keyboard - Simulate low level Keystrokes

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Virtual Keyboard - Simulate low level Keystrokes

Post by scheissegalo »

Virtual Keyboard - v97

Keyboard configuration tool that re-maps keys and modifier-key-combos at a very low level.

Created for productivity and fast keyboard layout prototyping, but also works for gaming.
(Might be useful to work around handicaps, but I have no experience. Open an issue if you need a special feature).

Uses the Interception driver to receive keys before almost everyone else.

It just works. Everywhere.

Like a hardware programmable keyboard, VirtualKeyboard can view and remap key strokes before anyone else does.
Can remap every key that is sent out by the keyboard. (Excptions: 'media keys' that are not registered as keypresses, and the ESC key).

Almost everything is configurable via config file.

Nine separate configs, switch with ESC + <1-9>.
Modular config with INCLUDE moduleXY.
Modifier remapping

Examples: F and J to Shift, CapsLock to MOD9, LCtrl to Return, Rotate Alt>Shift>Ctrl>Alt.

If it sends a scancode, you can remap it.

Powerful modfier combos

Can do keycombos with all 15 modifiers with a single one-liner rule.
Combine Modifier-Down, Modifier-NOT-down, Modifier-A-OR-B-down, Modifier-tapped in one combo.
Simple, fast and pretty alpha key mapping, to define Workman, Colemak, Dvorak, or play with your own layout.

Changing a key position is one character in the .ini file, [ESC]+[R] to reload and you're live.
Dead key system to define your own äççéñtèd characters.

Sequences (key macros) with configurable delay between keys.

On the fly recording and playback of macros.
Secret macros that are only stored, obfuscated, in memory
Fast. Low-fat C/C++ code. 1 exe 1 dll 1 ini. Never writes, only reads inside its folder.

Additional AutoHotKey features
An AHK script must run that catches F14 / F15 key combos.

Help! I've broken something and can't use my keyboard!
ESC+X Exits, always, in case your config makes the keyboard unusable. Capsicain doesn't have to be in the foreground to see ESC command combos.
ESC+0 Switch to Config 0 is the softer 'disable' method; it tells Capsicain to not do anything - except listen for ESC combos, so you can switch back to your Config 1 later.
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Re: Virtual Keyboard - Simulate low level Keystrokes

Post by scheissegalo »

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Re: Virtual Keyboard - Simulate low level Keystrokes

Post by scheissegalo »


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