[Empyrion-Scripting] - Script Collection

All about coding and Lua scripts
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[Empyrion-Scripting] - Script Collection

Post by scheissegalo »

This thread will be used for Empyrion-Scripting Scripts
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North Industries

Ammunition Display Script

Post by scheissegalo »

Ammunition Display Script

Code: Select all

{{~fontsize 7}}
{{~set 'E' '<indent=239.3>║</indent>'}}
{{~set 'L' (concat '║' @root.data.E)}}
╔{{~bar 1 0 1  52 '═'}}╗{{~#scroll 30 1 1}}
{{~#items @root.E.S 'AMMO CONTAINER NAME HERE'}}
║ <color=#FFF>{{name}}</color> <indent=80%>[<color=#{{~#test count leq '500'}}{{intervall 1}}F11{{else}}FFF{{/intervall}}{{else}}{{~#test count leq '2000'}}FA0{{else}}{{~#test count ge '2000'}}1F1{{/test}}{{/test}}{{/test}}>{{Count}}</color>]</indent>{{@root.data.E}}
║ <size=6,5><color=#{{~#test count leq '500'}}{{intervall 1}}F11{{else}}FFF{{/intervall}}{{else}}{{~#test count leq '2000'}}FA0{{else}}{{~#test count ge '2000'}}1F1{{/test}}{{/test}}{{/test}}>{{~format count '{0,3:0.0}'}}</color>/<color=#F0F>{{format 2000 '{0,3:0.0}'}}</color></size><indent=30%><color=#F11>⚛ {{bar count 0 2000 12 '▒' '<color=#300>░</color>'}}<indent=80%><size=6,5><b><color=#FFF>{{~math count '/' 2000}}{{~format . '{0,8:P2}'}}{{~/math}}</color></b></size></indent></color></indent>{{@root.data.E}}
╟{{bar 1 0 1  52 '─'}}╢{{/items}}{{/scroll}}
╚{{bar 1 0 1  52 '═'}}╝
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Hydroponics Script

Post by scheissegalo »

Hydroponics Script

Code: Select all

<sprite name="Hydroponics">
{{#blocks E.S 11 130 11 9 130 9}}
{{#each .}}
{{Id}} {{i18n Id}} X:
{{~Position.X}} Y:
{{~Position.Y}} Z:
{{~#getsignal @root.E.S 'PlantsHarvest'}}
{{~#if .}}
{{#harvest @root.E.S ../.
 'MainFridge' 11 130 6 true}}
Harvest: {{i18n Id}}➔
{{~i18n ChildOnHarvestId}}
get {{DropOnHarvestCount}}:
{{~i18n DropOnHarvestId}}
{{#pickupplants @root.E.S ../.
 'PickupPlantsTarget' 11 130 6 true}}
Pickup: {{i18n Id}}➔{{i18n PickupTargetId}}
{{~#getsignal @root.E.S 'PlantsHarvest'}}
{{~#if .}}
{{#replantplants @root.E.S 
Plant: {{i18n Id}}➔X:{{X}} Y:{{Y}} Z:{{Z}}
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General Infos

Post by scheissegalo »

General Infos

Code: Select all

Playfield: "{{P.Name}}"

Entity: "{{E.Name}}"

{{#use E.S.FuelTank}}
{{bar Content 0 Capacity 20 }}
{{~math Content '/' Capacity}}
{{~format . '{0,8:P2}'}}
{{~/math}} =
{{~format Content '{0,7:0.0}'}} / {{format Capacity '{0,7:0.0}'}} Fuel

{{#use E.S.OxygenTank}}
{{bar Content 0 Capacity 20 }}
{{~math Content '/' Capacity}}
{{~format . '{0,8:P2}'}}
{{~/math}} =
{{~format Content '{0,7:0.0}'}} / {{format Capacity '{0,7:0.0}'}} Oxygen

{{#use E.S.PentaxidTank}}
{{bar Content 0 Capacity 20 }} 
{{~math Content '/' Capacity}}
{{~format . '{0,8:P2}'}}
{{~/math}} = 
{{~format Content '{0,7:0.0}'}} / 
{{~format Capacity '{0,7:0.0}'}} AU

{{#use E.S.DamageLevel}}
{{bar . 0 100 20 }}
{{~format . '{0,8:P2}'}} Damage

{{#each E.S.DockedE}}
- {{Name}}
{{~use S.FuelTank}}
{{~math Content '/' Capacity}}
{{~format . '{0,8:P2} Fuel'}}
{{~use S.OxygenTank}}
{{~math Content '/' Capacity}}
{{~format . '{0,8:P2} O2'}}

Players on Playfield:
{{#each P.Players}}
- {{Name}}

Players on Structure:
{{#each E.S.Players}}
- {{Name}}


<size=10><color=#0044ff>North</color> <color=#00a2ff>Industries</color></size>
<size=8>Gaming Services</size>
TeamSpeak3: LINK | Steam: LINK | Facebook: LINK | Say NO to Corona's witnesses


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North Industries

Automatic Refill All Tanks

Post by scheissegalo »

Automatic Refill All Tanks

Code: Select all

{{~set 'LimitToType' 'SV,HV'}}
<align=center><i><size=150%>Autofill docked vessels</size></i>
{{#getswitch @root.E.S 'sw_autofill'}}{{#if SwitchState}}
{{~#each @root.E.S.DockedE}}
{{#test EntityType in @root.Data.LimitToType}}
{{#items @root.E.S 'Output Power'}}
{{#test Count ge 1000}}
{{#test id eq 2128}}
{{#fill ../this ../../../S 'Oxygen' 100}}{{/fill}}
{{#test id eq 2373}}
{{#fill ../this ../../../S 'Fuel' 100}}{{/fill}}
{{#test id eq 2294}}
{{#fill ../this ../../../S 'Pentaxid' 100}}{{/fill}}
<color=red>Switch this lever to automaticly fuel up your docked vessels.</color>

{{~set 'IDs' '2373,2294,2128'}}
{{~#itemlist @root.E.S.items @root.Data.IDs}}
{{#test count le 1000 }}
<indent=6>◉ <color=red>Not Enough: <color=#00cccc>{{Name}}</color> (<color=orange>{{Count}}</color>)</color></indent>
<indent=6>◉ <color=green>Plenty:</color> <color=#00cccc>{{Name}}</color></indent>
Alternative (works better):

Code: Select all

<size=10><color=#0044ff>North</color> <color=#00a2ff>Industries</color></size>
<size=8>Auto Fill Tanks</size>

{{#use E.S.FuelTank}}
{{bar Content 0 Capacity 20 }}
{{~math Content '/' Capacity}}
{{~format . '{0,8:P2}'}}
{{~/math}} =
{{~format Content '{0,7:0.0}'}} / {{format Capacity '{0,7:0.0}'}} Fuel

{{#use E.S.OxygenTank}}
{{bar Content 0 Capacity 20 }}
{{~math Content '/' Capacity}}
{{~format . '{0,8:P2}'}}
{{~/math}} =
{{~format Content '{0,7:0.0}'}} / {{format Capacity '{0,7:0.0}'}} Oxygen

{{#use E.S.PentaxidTank}}
{{bar Content 0 Capacity 20 }} 
{{~math Content '/' Capacity}}
{{~format . '{0,8:P2}'}}
{{~/math}} = 
{{~format Content '{0,7:0.0}'}} / 
{{~format Capacity '{0,7:0.0}'}} AU

{{#items E.S 'Trashcan'}}
{{#fill this @root.E.S 'Oxygen' 100}}
Oxygen: {{SourceE.Name}}:{{Source}}->
{{format Count '{0,5}'}} : {{i18n Id}}
{{#fill this @root.E.S 'Fuel' 100}}
Fuel: {{SourceE.Name}}:{{Source}}->
{{format Count '{0,5}'}} : {{i18n Id}}
{{#fill this @root.E.S 'Pentaxid' 100}}
Pentaxid: {{SourceE.Name}}:{{Source}}->
{{format Count '{0,5}'}} : {{i18n Id}}
TeamSpeak3: LINK | Steam: LINK | Facebook: LINK | Say NO to Corona's witnesses


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